Learn from the best!
Ever wonder how the best locals and pros climb so well? Why not take the time and grab yourself a technique class. From proper footwork to body position, our technique classes will make a beginner breeze through V0s and V1s like they are child's play. From your first private lesson you will begin to learn and understand all the terminology and get a better understanding for the sport and your body. Not only do we teach techniques for improving your climbing experience, but we also show you different types of exercises to improve your core strength, grip power and overall endurance.
Have experience? No worries, we can help improve your techniques and get you to the level of climbing that you want to be at. Our personal technique trainers have over 15 years of experience in dealing with bouldering, sport and traditional climbing techniques. Why not take advantage of their knowledge?
Lead Climbers: If you are already proficient in lead climbing and wish to lead climb in our facility, you must meet the requirements and still take the class. We take safety very seriously at our facility and want to certify everyone according to our standards to make sure you are prepared to maintain our safety standards.

American Alpine Classes
We offer a variety of AMERICAN ALPINE classes to educate climbers on safe climbing practices. These classes are offered quarterly--watch the calendar for classes, call or stop by for more information.
Technique Class
This is a 1 hour class that introduces you to basic climbing skills or if you want to advance in your technique and climbing ability. Not required to be belay certified. Gear is included. Call to schedule.
Lead Climbing Class
Gear is included with price and lasts 1 1/2 to 2 hours. MUST be belay certified and approved to take class. To be approved, you must demonstrate ability to climb sustained 5.9 grades with little effort. Watch for the next class or call to schedule a private class.
Please call in advanced to setup an appointment as classes are by appointment only. Again, even if you are lead climbing capable, we do require you take the class to lead climb at our facility. If you have any questions please call us or come visit us.